I Want a War (Grr)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by UndeadPosty, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. So, I've been inactive for roughly 6 months. Im back now! I am seriously itching for a good war. I'd really love to get a good old fashion war put together, if anyone's interested. 

    That is all.
  2. welcome.back
  3. I'm game for one.... let me know when there one set up. lol
  4. Sweeeet. Lol I'll let you know when or if I find enough people to get it going. Lol
  5. Sign me up 0/0 your Side.
  7. My tb is ass still but id join (providing its on a weekend)
  8. Awesome guys. :) Slowly but surely finding enough people. 
  9. And as soon as war starts

  10. I love hunts, But not during war. At that point the hunt can go away. Lol
  11. If any of you are free. :p Join Viva La rev in war. 30 Mins left. 2B lead. :)
  12. Sign me up if you're gonna be organizing a war 
  13. Welcome Back.
  14. I want a war with you all right Now