I wanna open multiple timer boxes

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Xx-Lancelot-xX, Jul 8, 2019.


Do you like hot pockets?

  1. This poll has nothing to do with the topic

  2. I just noticed this was here and wanted to try it

  3. Yes

  4. The only real answer is yes.

  5. Jalapeño-chicken hot pockets are the best. Fight me.

  6. Especially the ones with the pretzel crust mmm

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  1. I know this probably won’t happen, since ATA will want us to spend money on the speed-ups. But I have a bunch of timer boxes, and not enough speedups.

    Even just being able to open two at a time. That helped a lot when that was happening for a couple of days. Even just being able to open two at once would help immensely.

    Maybe let us open more timer box slots? Like pay EC to open more spots to open multiple at a time. But I’m probably just talking to a brick wall honestly.

    Thanks for reading anyways, whoever did.
    Ponyo and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  2. Spend ec to open more box opening slots
    Spend ec to open boxes to free the existing slot
    Jaey likes this.
  3. Hmmm. I wouldn’t mind purchasing a second slot to keep it consistently flowing easier. It just looks cluttered. But idrc either
    Xx-Lancelot-xX likes this.
  4. Spend EC once
    Constantly continue to buy speedups accumulating more EC cost than if you just bought another slot.

    Those speed ups add up