Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by FIoccinaucinihilipilification, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. [​IMG]
    Y u do dis???
    Hag and Sanguine like this.
  2. Throwing shade on yourself be like😌
  3. Meme game strong.
  4. Whats a forum?
    Muschi likes this.
  5. Buwbuw, Kefo, Muschi and 1 other person like this.
  6. I would argue that there's more toxicity outside of forums.
    WhoTfIsWesday and RoseMilkTea like this.
  7. _-Kitsune-_ likes this.
  8. Looking for newbies who are active and teachable, to help them grow.

    We are explaining how things work.
    Let‘s make the biggest heist for Stats: Next Week (or very soon) there will be the CatCafe Promo for the Easter Holidays.

    Study well. Pursue the Diaries. Join us only if you want to be part of this crime
    _-Kitsune-_ likes this.
  9. Just letting you know, your section about plunder is a bit off.
    When you’re over max plunder, your plunder actually can drop. And being under max plunder doesn’t guarantee 50% drops.

    Love that you’re trying to help new players out, but be sure to check your information!

    Also it might be easier to list kcs calculations and mcs as well for plunder.
    _-Kitsune-_ and Muschi like this.
  10. Trust me. All you need to do, is to open their eyes. To make them say "ty this makes sense now"

    I dont know everything. But I had my eyes closed in the first 2 months. How long were your eyes closed?

    All clubs have a minimum limit of 6000 drops per hunt. Look at my club. Our minimum limit can be the 15000 drops per hunt. Because we explain how this is possible
    _-Kitsune-_ likes this.
  11. Gimme some of those drugs, mate
  12. Too bad you are providing incorrect information during your explanations. Sure, not all of it is incorrect, but some of it is. You should be open to outside critique.
    _-Kitsune-_ likes this.
  13. Giving incorrect information isn’t “opening their eyes” though 🥴It's more like giving them glasses when they’re not the right prescription.

    Like sure, it’ll work...but long term it’ll only end up being a disadvantage.

    It’s fine to not know everything, no one expects anyone to know all of the aspects of the game. And for me it also took a while to learn how the game works. But part of that is being able to take criticism and advice gracefully.
    _-Kitsune-_ and Muschi like this.
  14. Sooooooooooooo

    How do you suggest me to rephrase it?👀

    I cant think of any shorter version. My english isnt great. I dont know everything.

    But I looooove hate comments🙈
    So if you think I am wrong, show me how to do it better.

    Btw I have trained over 500 noobs who had their eyes closed. A lot of them are admins in other clubs. Sure this happens in PIMD a lot...😅

    And I play exactly 17 months long. Bcuz somebody said that I am playing for many years.

    And I never joined a "strong club", to teach myself...
    _-Kitsune-_ likes this.
  15. There’s no hate going on though? Sorry if you misunderstood. And...I did tell you how to fix it? 🥴 (if you’re still unsure you should go look at the actual plunder guide...)

    If you’d like to take the criticism to heart, more power to you.

    I’ve acknowledged that I think it is good that you’re helping people. However, if you’re giving people false information it will eventually make it harder for them to progress in the game in the future. This isn’t saying that you aren’t helping them, but you do need to make adjustments to the way you’re teaching them if you want to be more effective. Educating hundreds of players is fantastic, but if you’re falsifying information it discredits a lot of the good work you actually do.
    -Fae-, _-Kitsune-_ and Muschi like this.