I need serious advice on something

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by ILikeMyNewName, Apr 12, 2019.

  1. Long story short I have scars(cutting type) on my upper thigh,I didn't do it myself but im going into the military in a month and I need to cover it with either a scratch or a burn,but I want to try making it look like I just got scratched there first b4 I go for the burn,any recommendations on how I should go about doing this?
  2. Is someone hurting you?

    Also i do not recommend hurting yourself further...
  3. Is someone hurting you?[/quote]
    Not anymore,it's a long story that doesn't matter anymore,I just need to cover it with another injury that won't look like self harm
  4. Try to hug an angry cat
  5. Honestly, embrace your scars. If anyone asks about it you don't owe it to them to tell them your story.

    If you are self conscious about it I'd recommend getting a tattoo over it.
  6. This person's problem is that the military will not allow them in if they believe them to be self-harming.
  7. I thought tattoos were against military policy or something
  8. Oooo. I donut know how the military works.
    Get a tattoo stat then
  9. No, only if they reference controversial things like the K K K or something.
  10. Oh ok
  11. If it’s in a noticeable area that I dunno but otherwise maybe just clothes cover it?
  12. the clothes thing won’t matter because you have to get a full physical done before you’re able to enlist, so they’d see them at some point.

    i would just talk to your recruiter about it tbh. if they ask, you may have to explain how they happened. and since you say they aren’t actually scars from self-harm, you should be fine.
  13. Honestly it probably is better to be truthful^^
  14. Oh yeah I dunno anything do what the best sounding thing says
  15. If it was domestic violence or violence done to you then tell the truth. They cannot discriminate against a survivor. However, covering up a scar with another scar (self-inflicted at that) isn’t going to fool them nor is it healthy.
  16. But the problem is, is that it looks like I self harmed myself and I wouldn't believe someone that said oh yeah I got it from this one girl I had relations with in the past,she was into hurting me for sexual satisfaction
  17. Can't, if I do it'll push back my date I have and I'll have to get another physical and possibly not pass it again
  18. Depends on how bad the scar looks. If they believe it’s self infliction then they can back away and reject you. Worst thing to do is try and hide the scar with an actual self inflicted scar. Just explain the situation to them as best as you can.

    Best of luck!