I need help upgrading

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *quickrelease (01), Sep 28, 2011.

  1. I reset and need help but I'm silenced who wants to help jahahahahgdvushdhdbdhdudushehduudhehdhsuaukajahrhrgrkdjdudjrhrbjdjdjdbfhrhrududjdhrhdh. And also wat does pedo bear mean
  2. What do you think it means, Quick? 
    _Web 
  3. I know why your silenced 

    Does volley ring a bell?

  4. I don't know wat a pedo bear is I heard it was like spammer or perv but I rel
    ally don't know
  5. Ummm it's used to represent a pedophile
  6. I'm no fuc.king pedophile u prick.s I'm 15 and I hate dating chicks underage as.s clown dou.ches
  7. Nice bypass. I'll report youYou'll
    Be silenced again
  8. It's suppose to be funny
  9. No one called you a pervert or a 'peado bear'...

    Take a chill pill.
    _Web 
  10. And pedo bear is funny quick so take your "humor" some where else

  11. I don't find it funny so please dont call me a pedophile there's many people sexually harassed just for u guys to be stamping approvals and "Trying To Be Funny" so please dont
  12. Damn it Isaac!
    Eh I'm getting too lazy to report ToU breachers ._.