I need help please

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ToG-Michael_Myers, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. I've been working on 20kcs for over 8 months I've reseted and tried again I need help from big people please help me out so I can get to my goal
  2. How much money do you have? How many dorms do you have? How many Tier 3 crew do you have? What level are they?
  3. 14 dorms 14 tier3 1 level 4 I level 3 rest level one and 1mil name the amount of money I need
  4. For 20k cs you need 4 tier 3 level 4, 1 tier 3 lvl 2 and 9 tier 3 level 1.
  5. You will need 312m
  6. Oh ok do you know anyone who can help I've been told that someone can get me 250mil but lied 
  7. Lol do you want a list of inactives, if so I can give one to you.
  8. Haha I got that I got like 20 inactives