I need a hug ! my stomach kills 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *sammy26 (01), Oct 7, 2011.

  1. I need a hug my stomach kills if i stand up it kills 
  2. *hugs*
    I hope u feel better
  3. -hugz- hope you feel better
  4. *hugs*get well soon
  5. *hug*  cheer up
  6.   get well soon wallart!!   
  7. Whoops wasn't meant to say wallart:p
  8. Thanks for all the hugs and wall art 
  9. It really hurts ! I need someone to cuddle
  10. You can cuddle with some painful shots you will need momentarily to ease the pain 
  11. I am lying in bed rubbing my stomach it kills 
  12.  I must get revenge, your stomach killed me 
  13. I'm in pain !
  14. Maybe laughter will help it





  15. Hahaha  lol
  16. I gonna be sick