I just wanted a milkshake

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by WhoTfIsWesday, Jun 18, 2019.

  1. You ever just be rly craving a milkshake so you get the blender out and measure the nice cream and then you accidentally put in a cup too much of almond milk? And then you're like oh noes now it's not gonna be thick enough and you're all sad but it works itself out because when you lift the blender up to put it on the base, the bottom falls off and all the milk falls onto the table and floor. So I have a mess to clean up now and am sad. But now my milkshake will be thick when I get around to re-adding the almond milk.
  2. Make me a milkshake, too, and I'll clean up the mess. :)
  3. Yay I lub u
  4. dont do it unless you want male strangers to gather in your yard
  5. Oof tough night lol. At least your milkshake is saved though
  7. Milkshake: *is thick*

    The boys are in route to your yard
  8. I thought you were going to say you added more ice cream... Sad day.
  9. If you live with my mom, you'll never be touching anything from her kitchen ever again
  10. Those feels. I’ve learned to make sure to twist before lifting. No way shall I make that mistake again ?
  11. This sounds like me everyday tbh.
  12. I should buy a blender so I can make milkshakes too
  13. ^
    Is it sad no one in my house even asks what the randoms bangs and clatters of stuff falling is anymore?

    A couple of weekend ago, we were v busy in the wine shop, and I picked up a bottle and as soon as I put in into the bag, the bottom just clean fell off, like in a perfect circle around the bottom of the bottle, and the wine went everywhere.

    At least you saved the nice cream, Wednesday!
  14. Reminds me of when i destroyed my kitchen tryna make cheesecakes.

    Rip Wednesdays clean floors
  15. Ew that's a disgusting thought. It's my blender and I've been living alone since I was 16.
  16. Yes you should. They bring joy to life and you can control what goes in em so they're at least a lil healthier than storebought
  17. I've never had this problem before so it didn't occur to me but now I shall
  18. :c our poor kitchens
  19. Make me a milkshake pls.
  20. I used up all the nice cream but otay I shall