The following -Forums will allow Trolling and you'll be rewarded in tokens for good take downs. -silenced members will be unsilenced, then resilenced within 2hrs for being dumb! Again! -PiMD will be rebranded as Party In My Squat, for all those that couldn't get a job after uni and then took copious amounts of drugs and live in squalor -Swearing will be allowed but only when referring to the word in it's original English Dictionary form (to help raise intelligence levels of players) -sexting still will not be allowed, unless your under 14 inwhich case each state/country etc will refer you for sex therapy classes -LcBc's will be given Demi God status and will be able delete players they don't like but to make it fair it will be based on a point system like 1) attitude? Too nice? Ban them! 2) style? Do they look better than us? Ban them! 3) gaming ability? Do they have opposable thumbs? Ban them! 4) do they buy credits? Let them stay. There are more clauses but I am not at liberty to disuse those. -Introduction of PiMS (see part 3) lottery, everyone will be required to take part in a 10m per ticket lottery, LcBc's will be bankers and "look after" said lottery and make sure winnings goto the right person with the winning ticket (ticket will be based on your soon to be defunct UDID to reduce cheating) Hope you enjoy these changes as much as I will Kind Regards, A51-Ginge- (wow, I really do talk rubbish when I'm bored huh)
Re: I have it on good intel that the next updates for pimd will I can't wait to lcbc then update app
Re: I have it on good intel that the next updates for pimd will That. Is. Amazing. I. Am. Still. Laughing. Will you marry me? Your funny
Re: I have it on good intel that the next updates for pimd will The lottery is actually quite a good idea
Re: I have it on good intel that the next updates for pimd will Ginge better not marry you. I want him first.