I have a quick question

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ISneakerHeadTouchedTheBooty, Oct 24, 2011.

  1. Were can I ask to be unsilenced at? I was silenced for a 3rd party thing and I didn't know what that even was let alone getting silenced for it. And it was my 3rd time and I just wanna see if I can be unsilenced and given another chance
  2. Email the support team
  3. Email support, explain the situation and ask to be unsilenced. Make sure you're polite and don't argue with them.
  4. I would but idk what the email is
  5. What did you get silenced for the other two times?
  6. Someone bypassed on my wall so I did it back and we both got silenced
  7. Bypassing..and my friend took my iPod and used my speakers and wrote a bunch of stuff on cc
  8. LOL, you're responsible for you iPod :roll:
  9. Ya I know ): he took it when I was sleeping
  10. :lol: :lol: :lol: and you were called the nice mod yesterday :lol: :lol: :lol: 