I got silenced for nothing

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *__--__--__ (01), Oct 14, 2011.

  1. I haven't been in campus chat for 3 days why did I get silenced
  2. U must of wrote something on Walls

    Or the mods got bored
  3. They probably got bored because last time I got silence was the only time I posted a mod's wall
  4. It's because you bypassed.
  5. They always silence for a reason, only a very limited amount of mistakes I've seen in the past 10 months.

    They can get you for walls, campus, status, forums, even hours after the fact if someone takes a ss and reports it.
  6. You bypassed somewhere on the forum...i dont remember where but i know i saw it somewhere...
  7. I'm probably just gonna email support to see why
  8. You bypassed in forums....
  9. Rose can you tell me which forum I bypassed
  10. Thread* you bypassed.

    Forums are the collective.
    Threads are the individual topics/discussions.
  11. 'Mod Strike'

    It's still on actives.
    Cookie also commented on it so you would have known had you read it.
  12. Ok I see that now
  13. But I reset my account Saturday to start over and why does it say that this is my 3rd ofence
  14. Resets do not effect silences.
  15. Third offence means youre perm silenced now
  16. I know but i don't understand why when you reset it does not erase silences
  17. Reset never undo silences
  18. Because that would be cheating, so no matter how times you reset the silence will still be there.
  19. It's because your account is linked to your iDevice, the Iuid or whatever it is. That's why even when you delete the app and redownload, your account stays the same.