I challenge Rude

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Floccinaucinihilipilification, Mar 1, 2016.

  1. So, lots of hate lately on my war club and I. Mentioned in Rude's silly rant, speaking of her, I went to defend myself after a reference to my club. Of the many messages traded, this came about:

    "Flocc wants to spout that his a great leader, thats fantastic for him, but why do I get messages every war asking to come war and lead? Why do i read gcs every time u have a war saying that his a bad leader. And its not always about his strategies, but simply his personality and his way of leading."

    So, all these gcs supposedly claiming I'm a bad leader, my personality and way of leading aren't approved of. Cool, Rude's personality and way of leading are requested, step up and show us how you war then rude

    I challenge you to a war of any type, your choice. You can schedule with Art

  2. No support
    edit: being charismatic and able to get people is part of being leader
  3. " you can schedule it with art"

    LOL you fanceeeeeh
  4. Where was your club referenced?
    I dont see the name of yourself or ur 'club' anywhere in the 'rant'

    Also becuase you are blocked you have to come onto forums to speak to me? Pretty sure thats breaking tou.
  5. ? lets all love each other please
  6. Love? Wots that?
  7. Support Flocc we don't have to prove anything but even if it's a closed roster we will win . Bring it on haters
  8. Don't play that game, I have ss of you stating it's partially of me. So, is this tou violation accusation a refusal of war?
  9. Ooooooooo that ego
  10. Crash it's okay, stop pretending. You know I'm a bad lead with a bad personality. I'll still love you after you admit <3
  11. I challenge you to a thumb war, contact my secretary when you're ready. I'm not sure who that is, I just wanted to look cool like you :)
  12. ^ please no ??
  13. Ur goin down m8.
  14. Oi take my bookings please
  15. 
  16. I never said you are bad leader I just said leaders have to be demanding and I respect that you accepted that you might be rude sometimes while leading
  17. What has pimd come to
  18. I'd be your stated secretary, but you just didn't reach floccwits level of cool. Sorry papisandwich
  19. in b4 she snitches
  20. I picture flocci wearing a napoleon outfit when he wars on pimd. Rude take the challenge, you can wear a Joan of arc outfit :)