I am genuinely upset and mad

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seriously, Jun 25, 2019.

  1. Ok so I have a bunch of stuff in my hands and my ice cream right? I JUST bought it from Casey’s. One of the dishes. I put it on top of my arm and open the door. It falls to the ground, upside down 
  2. That’s why you carry one thing at a time
  3. i hope you’re talking about Casey’s pizza ? omg that place frickin slaps

    v sorry about your ice cream though :( rip.
  4. Just ice cream. How’d you get pizza from this?
  5. Natural selection
  6. You finally gave one of your threads a name!!! No more : (
  7. in the midwest there’s a gas station/convience store that sells really good pizza! we call it casey’s pizza ? sorry!
  8. Trade with someone to make up for it
  9. Not the icecream! 
  10. Poor ice cream
  11. My condolences :(
  12. I know but this whole thread was about ice cream ?‍♀️
  13. i’ll buy u new ice cream ^.^
  14. Aww you’re so sweet ??
  15. Your ice cream is cancelled for today
  16. That place is soooo good
  17. This is not the selfie thread