I almost deaded

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Chulo17, Apr 14, 2019.

  1. I accidentally fell asleep and left my phone charging under my pillow last night and I woke up and it was BURNING HOT like too hot to the touch even through my otter box case and I had to take it out of the case and let it cool off on the cold floor ?
  2. You almost killed yourself and your phone :c
  3. I mean would that be such a bad thing?

    Jk jk ily
  4. I mean.. I was extra warm and cozy ? jk I’m not suicidal guys I swear
  5. ? I say the same thing to make myself feel good?
  6. You should never sleep with your phone in the bed
  7. I don’t and I try not to charge it until morning but I fell asleep with it charging in my hand and it ended up under my pillow ☹️
  8. I probably shouldn’t sleep with my extention cord in my bed huh ?
  10. put it in rice
  11. Good solution, wrong problem 
  12. Put me in rice
  13. I can’t imagine that would feel nice
  14. One way to find out tho :)
  15. You mean you almost unknowingly had your head explode while you were sleeping? Goals.
  17. ;)
  18. I've done this before actually. Multiple times. It be scary.
  19. O my