Hurricane Irma ;-;

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iBreeQueenOfTheCastle, Sep 8, 2017.

  1. You can go Away now, us Floridians dont need you. You paid a nice visit to others, I think we're full enough. You can tell Jose the parties canceled too. Thank ya, Love.
  2. You’re being too kind, hurricane Irma doesn’t take kindly to people being kind to him
  3. ? first, but stay safe mkay!
  4. try beating him away with a stick
  5. its a hurricane not an animal/person since when does it care about its gender?
  6. As a representative of Georgia, we second this statement
  7. Farm irma until she leaves bruh
  8. Her strength is too high, if only I was intel build
  10. Maybe irma wants you
  11. op how old are you again
  12. Irma is a girl btw
  13. Did you just assume it's gender
  14. Does Irma have a vagina and/or breasts? Nope, I’m like 95% sure of that
  15. I mean if you think about how wet it gets 
    I just thought about it could be a female just trying to get off??