Hurricane Irene

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *cutegene12 (01), Aug 28, 2011.

  1. So, as you all know ( I hope ) Hurricane Irene will be hitting in no time and I was wondering who here on pimd is going to have to go thru Irene?
  2. Lol their saying Irene is gonna be big... Hopefully not
  3. Big but slow wasn't it? At least that's what I heard on the news :/ I'm
    In the uk but I hope my friends over there will be fine.
  4. It hasn't hit yet but its coming my way so yeah my fingers are crossed
  5. Shouldn't you be evacuating right now 
  6. Ohmigosh. I live in the USA but not in the path luckily. Good luck.
  7. I went thru Ireneit was scary lol
  8. I went through it
  9. I'm dead through it... 

    Nah! I'm in Ireland.
  10. I live in Ireland but I have a close friend on here from NJ, USA who had to be evacuated from her home, just crossed my fingers she and her home will be in one piece by the time Irene has finished her rampage. -
  11. YAY! Proud to be Irish!

    Póg mo thóin
  12. Wow irene is nothing compared to the hurricanes we get where I live it is not even category 2 Just sayin
  13. That's great for you Pay-Pay but to people who rarely get them and didn't expect their houses to be flooded it's bad enough, specially as she's travelled from the Bahama's all the way to NYC as her path. -
  14. I have a few friends who are gonna get hit..
    It's quite scary and i'm praying that they're just gonna be okay. D:
  15. Irene is here already in my city... Lots of trees down strong wind lots of rain
  16. Look I lived I south texas for 11 years I had worse hurricanes come my way. The Over exaggerates. If you cant see the ocean from your house u will be fine.
  17. I used to live in Nashville and we got flooded pretty bad and there were a bunch of tornadoes
  18. I'm in NJ and like Nothing bad happened only floods where I live I didn't get floods i was excited for this hurricane instead this hurricane was a big let down.
  19. It shouldn't even be called hurricane