So how about ATA bring out a musical festival hunt? We all know there's the Toronto Musical Festival coming up in July so it would be great to have an hunt related to it. Avatars can be drummers, guitarists, Pianists etc. Furniture can include Musical shaped plush for 499, 999 can include an Electronic Drum set, Trumpets for above plant, Flutes for above bed, Xylophone shaped bed etc are some of my suggestions Plz share your thoughts.
Yaaasss but maybe more like electric forest, mains and psychedelic art it's beautiful. Or IMAGINE a fyre festival one lololol. It's totally festival season there's so many options
A fyre festival hunt would actually be hilarious. Stranded on a deserted island stories with cheese sandwich hunt drops. I’ve been complaining about the excessive beach hunts this year but I could get on board with this one.
Only if they don’t use the same music related celebrities again and use completely new actually good and not just mainstream singers/etc instead
Support. Although for the 999 it should be like a mainstage like tomorrowland tyoe thing as drum set 999s already in game. Great idea though