Hunt level drops

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Artorius_the_Notorious, Apr 24, 2017.

  1. Curious about what's waiting when you advance past your current hunt objective? So am I!! I'm posting the hunt prizes I'm currently working toward. Please ss your upcoming prizes if they're different and I'll compile them all. Happy hunting!!
  2. Already a thread for this doe
  3. Toga! Toga! Toga!
    Tier: 15k
    1 care pack
    1 dn
    1 stat item: urn (2mcs)
    800 piggybank

    Tier: 2k
    1 stat item: charriot (1.5mcs)
  4. Link? Couldn't find it
  5. Don't worry about it m8
    Just make your own
    Might get a blue name ?
  6. Just bumped it 