
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Want2See_A_MagicTrick, May 1, 2019.

  1. Just trying this out... I wonder if I can delete it later on ???‍♀️
  2. You can ask one of the Mods to delete it for you.
    But you might need to wait till the 27th for more details concerning it?
  3. Thanks for the info!
  4. Poor chick has no idea what you’re referring too :lol:
  5. You can only delete a post up to 5 minutes after posting it, and only if no one has responded after it. After that, only mods or devs can delete it as Auspicious said.
  6. ^
    Most we can do (unless more action is required) is lock a thread by op request. But please do avoid making too many threads that don't have any real point to them. ?