HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Skeleton
    Looks (Picture if you want or description)

    I'm really sorry as well but after last time...


    1. No drama outside of the role play, take it to PMs.
    2. No bypassing.
    3. Please read through before jumping in anywhere (only when new to role play)

    These are three simple rules. If they are failed to be reached you will be asked to leave the role play.

    Other than that, knock yourselves out ️

    Oh but please remember this is set in the Wizarding World so no random walking around London as the likeliness for someone to interact with you is low.

    Everyone is welcome to join. ️ Roleplayers will be accepted at any time. Have fun but wait to be accepted before starting.
  2. Name: Lily-Grace Summers
    Age: 17
    House: Hufflepuff
    Looks: Lily has long flowing brunette hair which she usually wears in loose or messy curls. Sometimes she'll dip dye her ends marvellous colours, but it disappears and returns to the original state in a matter of days. Her eyes are a bright green the kind that they're the first thing you notice about a person, her eyes go a jet black when she's seriously angry but this is a rarity as it is quite difficult to anger her. She has quite a pale complexion which makes the few freckles across her nose more obvious than usual in the summer. She wears winged eyeliner everyday and her cheeks are always tinged with a slight natural blush.
    Wand: Willow, unicorn hair and Phoenix feather. 8.5 inches
    Patronus: Wolf
  3. Clementine Marion
    Rosewood with dragon heartstring and veela hair, 8 inches
    A bear
  4. Jacob Devlin
    Looks like he is really too young to be in Hogwarts, kind of like he is about half his age. Eyes are a forest green and has an average size nose. Always wearing really expensive robes but speaks like a child.
    Wand is a yew with Phoenix wings and un-bendable
    Patronus is a fox
  5. Geoff silver
    Looks: 5'9", short blonde hair and grey eyes, pale skin
    Personality: cheerful and always looking for an adventure but can hold a grudge quite badly
    Wand: white sycamore wand of dragons scale which is 10 inches long
  6. Patronus is a penguin
  7. Name: Alejandrina 'Al' Rios
    Age: 16
    House: Gryffindor
    Wand: Rowan with Kelpie hair, 9 inches
    Patronus: cat
  8. All accepted ️
  9. When we starting
  10. Start whenever you wish
  11. Nick



    Energetic, hyper and has a sense of humour, loud

    Has tanned skin , lean body , spiky messy blak hair, 1.6 m tall

    Phoenix feather core, 11 1/2 inches , oak

    Phoenix patronus
  12. OOC: Okay starting


    I walk along the platform for what is my last time here at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I pause watching as parents bid goodbye to their children as they board the train, sighing I look behind myself at my more so adoptive parents they smile waving goodbye I muster a fake smile nod and board the train. I find my own compartment which is empty and pull out my old battered copy of Paper Towns which has been long since used and indulge myself into my book, waiting for the train to leave Platform 9 and 3/4.
  13. Ouch! *i exclaim as I fall nearby your compartment, all my luggage, which is very little, falling out into the aisle
  14. Alejandria glances round briefly before climbing onto the train with her luggage, one suitcase, in hand. She sits down in a compartment, curling her legs up beneath her, looking out the window, lost in her own thoughts. Al waves goodbye to her parents who waved back with grins on their faces.
  15. Geoff: -waves goodbye to his parents then moves down the train to find a compartment to sit in dragging his fairly large suitcase behind in one hand and reading the daily prophet in the other-
  16. I peer up from my book to see quite a young looking boy and I get up from my seat and open the compartments door and I bend down to help him gather his things.
    "Are you okay, honey?" I smile a little, passing him his things.
  17. -notices two people blocking the walkway and pauses waiting and watching them tucking my newspaper into the back of my trousers-
  18. Yeah, just a little scratch *smiles and gets up, holding my luggage* you ok if I sit here with you?
  19. -shuffles into the compartment near the two people an sits close to the door continuing reading my newspaper-