how to you get extra credits

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *ToriiMay (01), Mar 4, 2011.

  1. I have no cash like real cash to get any so is there a way u can earn them
  2. You can buy extra credits via IAP (In-App Purchase) in bundles for real world cash..

    Or you can complete jobs, and there is a 2% chance for recieving an item, if the job is successfully accomplished.

    Anything else you would like to know? :D?
  3. Not right now but thanx so much now I'm gonna do a ton of jobs
  4. Wait wat if u completed all ur jobs?
  5. Nothing I completed all
  6. You can still do completed jobs.

    Do the first job to maximize your chances of recieving ec's or a dr note.
  7. U just repeat ur jobs
