How to strip your next farm

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Taniho, Jul 18, 2022.

  1. Stripping refers to hiring a foes’ tutors and sending hits after.

    In this guide I will cover how to perfectly strip your opponents and some of the strategies I have used in SFWs.

    My highest successful strip has been around 170T that I collaborated on with HaBaek, and I will teach you how I went about achieving this.

    1. Watch your enemy
    In SFW it is essential to know when your enemy is playing the game. As the nature of the game is, most people would hop on the game every 30 minutes or so during their normal work day that means the window you have left is when they are sleeping. To do this you must screenshot your enemy’s Fight wins/losses etc every hour. This is how I stalk my foes.

    Day 1
    This day sucks because you get barely any sleep. You need to click a screenshot every hour to track activity. You can also use excel sheets to log in the data and produce activity charts.

    Meanwhile, also check their walls, gifts, parties for recent activity. Remember no touching only seeing.

    Day 2
    Rinse and repeat

    Day 3
    You should now have a relative idea of their timezone. You can now proceed to get more sleep but making sure to take screen shots every two hours

    Day 4
    Repeat day 3

    Day 5
    If the data is consistent, then you can begin to focus solely on their sleeping time. Lets say Jack sleeps at 10 pm PST. I will start taking screen shots every hour from 9 pm till the window I have found. Most people sleep for about 6-7 hours. This is a decent window to strip either type of builds.

    Day 6
    Confirm your results

    Day 7
    You can go about your normal life but make sure to take screen shots at 10 pm and then when Jack wakes up around 5 am. Just to make sure that he wasn’t active

    Days 8 - 14
    Confirm all your results for the last time by using the strategy on Day 7.

    Now we have established that Jack sleeps from 10 pm to 5 am PST.

    To be a good farmer you need to learn people’s behavior and their patterns. This means you know how to press their buttons. Avoid pressing their buttons atleast 7 days prior to a strip. I’ve always stopped hitting my farms for weeks before making a huge strip on them. They let their guard down and I make my move.

    2. Strip Funds
    Depends how you want to go about this. You can save cash in Bank or just on an alt. At any given time I always had an alt with about 50T+ to strip my main account of useless tutors and then take tutors from my main. You can get tutor strip for your alt or just drop.

    3. Striking when the iron is hot
    Now that you have a window begin with this:
    If they sleep at 10 pm make sure to wait until 11 pm. Most people are light sleepers for the first hour and half until REM sleeps kicks in.
    11 PM
    Prank your enemy to make sure they don’t have a peace tag on.
    Take a screenshot
    Hire tutors as you want and once you are done hiring start hitting using fight
    A decent strip can take anywhere from 10 - 35 dns depending on your enemies and your own build . And for god’s sake don’t dance.
    Once they are DTW take note of the time and start a timer for 9 minutes and 55 seconds. Make sure to hop right on your alarm app after they are dtw.
    Come back to pimd and take a screenshot of their wins and losses.
    When the alarm goes off as, your enemy SHOULD be open to hits. 10 minutes is the regen timer to be able to hit people once they are pinned. You should be able to get around 12-20 hits depending on builds.
    Rinse Repeat

    If at any point you see activity of hits you haven’t lost or won, it is safe to assume something is up.
    They could have woken up, their friends are prank pinning them or whatever. Sometimes it could also be a glitch so try hitting after 30 seconds.

    4. How to take the most cash?
    Now that you know how to strip, you want to take the most cash of course. You can do this maxing out your misc. The closer you are to your max misc, the more money you take from your opponent.

    5. How long to hit for?
    Really until they wake up but you can stop after 10th hour realistically.

    That's all folks! You've passed stripping 101 with flying colors. Now go make some hoes salty.
  2. Thank you.
    Taniho likes this.
  3. tan, you are so incredibly sexy for this
    Taniho likes this.
  4. That's too much work for a game
  5. Good guide, I approve.

    I'd add that you should consider working in teams. No need to lose sleep for days tracking your prey. Start a gc, post ss's, take turns posting their hit stats once an hour.
    Taniho likes this.
  6. Tan and Julie are great farmers. If you want to learn the tricks, listen to them.
    Taniho likes this.
  7. It most definitely is. I spent all of COVID glued to the screen so I know my ways around.
    Bully likes this.
  8. and a notification will wake them!
    If I had a high heat level and I got 2 nf in a row, within an hour of going to sleep, you bet I'd be on and ready to unload on someone. It's normally just a gift and a follow... But still!

    Tan, thanks for sharing how pros patrol and figure out sleep times!
    But with casuals, they may reveal their tz and sleep times to anyone asking. If you have a friend strike up a conversation with them, they can save you days of testing in a matter of minutes!

    What if you catch someone's ire, and you are afraid that they are going to strip you?
    "what is the cure for to such disorders?" no, not beatings!
    You can try to prevent them from getting an idea of your sleep pattern by artificially create 6-8hr periods of inactivity in your mornings, afternoons, nights, etc.

    Becoming slightly less active for a few days/weeks may improve your mental health and prevent a devastating strip by an experienced player. Daylight hits, while your money is buried in tutors, are meaningless. You don't even have to blink at them!
    But also beatings!!!
    They can't save up strip funds if you're battering them with fights.... Unless they have a stripper alt or friends.

    Most players, no matter how large or scary they look, unless they have lost everything, fear what goes bump in the night. Also, unless they're in a very well measured sfw, where they know their oppo's funds and logistics, and are confident that they're winning a "numbers game".

    You shouldn't have brought such enthralling topics to forums, Tan, they bring me out of retirement!

    Great guide, once again!
    KitCat04 likes this.
  9. How has this dropped off new posts while …… less worthy subjects stay active.

    As always, Tan, you know your mechanics. Kudos!
    Taniho likes this.
  10. Because only a few people are interested in farming these days
  11. Witchy is also a great farmer. If you're lucky enough to get her advice you should always take it to heart 💕
    V_Witchy_101 likes this.
  12. Most definitely agree with this. She's one of the oldest farmers on the game. A lot to learn from her.
    V_Witchy_101 likes this.
  13. Kefo’s actually blue.