How to show affection

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by ILikeMyNewName, Apr 14, 2019.

  1. If anyone has any ideas or things they do to show affection on a first date without it being too much or the person thinking you only see them as a friend please share
  2. Honestly I’m mean ?

    My version of affection is making fun of people, but that’s how you know I love you ?‍♀️
  3. If it's a first date, you need not to show too much just be yourself. ??‍♀️
  4. Kick them in the shins
    If they kick back you’ll know they’re a keeper
  5. All you gotta do is carry a conversation and get to know each other
  6. I usually look into people's eyes tbh everytime we talk
  7. Hi Ade 
    Edit: Das me looking into your eyes
  8. It depends what type of date it is. Eye contact is important as well as warm smiles, but you can’t really do that if it’s a movie date?
  9. Hold their hand
    Hold their hair if they're puking
  10. I keep a straight face
  11. Gonna use all these on my first date now at the same time
  12. L i c k. h e r. e y e s
  13. Oh, Hi 
  14. People show affection in different ways. Stick to what you're comfortable with and where you can express yourself best. Keeping it real is important.
  15. I have to suggest this along with violently stomping on their toes (if it's a dinner date at a fancy restaurant and you've spent over $60 on the fuds)

    Also never be afraid of giving them the old 1-2.
  16. Give them small touches on the skin (like hand, upper arm, neck?). Did this to a friend i liked a few years ago and a week later he literally asked me if i liked him. it did not end well.
  17. Never been on a date so I'm irrelevant.
  18. Don't let that hold you back :mad:
  19. I have the perfect gif then, but the site ain't working. ??