How To Report Clubs?

Discussion in 'Clubs' started by The_Beautiful_Queen, Jun 7, 2019.

  1. There is a club that I have found engaging in underage sexual activity. How do I report this club?
  2. You can report it directly to ATA via a help ticket! Include the club name, as well as the violations occurring.
  3. send  help  ticket  gorl 
  4. Thank you. I have screenshots too of what club it is. There's 74/100 members. As a mom myself it literally sickens me.
  5. Wow. That’s terrible. Yes do the following up above
  6. I have Reported the club.
  8. Ugh ppl can be so disgusting, good job reporting them 
  10. Right. & Multiple people have Reported that club also. Hopefully it gets taken down.
  11.  wanna share deets with the class?
  12. Ew. Also that's against tou
  13. Not if you loophole it ?
  14. Seriously... please report it here too
  15. Hmm interesting blocked
  16. Blocked you too for assuming my gender and harassment. ☮️
  17. Da heck
  18. That escalated quickly