How to rave during a war????

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _Natty__, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. i need help!!!!how do i rave during a war !...and will snark give me more money???Help!!!!
  2. Ps it's dancing in war. Dancing would pay better then fighting.
  3. Its a troll…
  4. really what about peacesign ?
  5. ^ stop trying to troll…
  6. He wouldnt survive in a real war. ️
  7. is plunder a different word for plounder?
  8. Whats a troll and can i dtw them with ed
  9.  maybe op is really ignorant…

    just prank the opponents … leave other actions aside.
  10. 
  11. i see cant i ed them better i get more money right
  12. If you are serious there is a guide for you in the guides section on how to war any more questions after that then wall me

    As I am the creator of the thread
  13. They are obviously joking  lighten up people
  14. 
  15. Natty 
  16. Wat a nooob