Discussion in 'Strategy' started by HOTSHOTBRO, May 11, 2017.

  1. Hey guyz im willing to make a club.well,a successful can u help me guyz?
  2. Well if you need help you need to be a lot more specific.
  3. Ask grant for a small loan of a million to kick-start your club's success :)
  4. Make sure you have a team of active admins preferably covering all time zones to start parties and keep club chat active.

    Make all new members feel welcome.

    Make an identity and stick to it.
  5. Well,if you want to start one you need friends, frienes who are willing to help, about 10 members as admins, Post The Banner Every one hour to make ur club familiar to other players.
    Lure them in using cats or kinys. And the best we for actual recruiting is walling players, not posting on campus.
    Im a noob but hope this helps.
  6. Run b2b Cat Cafe with your own money. It'll probably be a VIP club in no time.
  7. Change your name first
  8. Wait, how successful is related to parties? ? #modnoob?
  9. Get/Find loyal members that will help you
  10. #noobgrammar
  11. ?
  12. Make another rp club
  13. Skeptic 
  14. Help me building a successful club too 
  15. If you have big" friends, it helps. Getting friends to come in the beginning is very important

  16. ? First time i have seen my pupil publicly Participate in forums im shocked
  17.  You sounds salty @noobRevolutionary Wolf?
  19. Not at all  Unless you took that seriously