How to be a forumer?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by YourFavorite3, May 31, 2018.

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  1. ? need any tips and ounce of wisdom I can get
  2. Start posting a lot, frequently. Don't spam but just join in in our conversations. Joke around. That sort of thing. It isn't difficult, just be yourself.
  3. By the looks of your account you’re already Jaco so :] congrats you’re a forumer
  4. thanks ??
  6. ? I got knock knock jokes
  7. Hit us with some.
  8. tbh saying youre Jaco isnt a compliment but crystal was confusion so. sorry Jaco is a menace to the forum community :(
  9. I am always Confucian.☹️

    And I would also like tips on how to become a forumer. This is my first day in forums.?‍♀️
  10. I think your pants are on fire.
  11. what was so bad about him?
  12. Knock Knock? ?
  13. It's that famous bear, Crystal
  14. I'm also a forum noon. Been playing for years but have rarely gone into forums until now
  15. Welcome haha! I've been here half a year now myslef. I've almost always simply checked potd thread then I started reading other threads more and more and eventually got into replying on some. Hope you enjoy it here like I am! :)
  16. Welcome!
  17. Whomst? I dunno what you’re talking about. Sorry I’m new! >_<
  18. Why he got so many alts though?
  19. Omg is that the famous forumer, New ??
    Wow ive always wanted to meet you, what an honour 
  20. Ty both! I'm enjoying it so far but half the time idk what to post tbh.
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