How does misc items work?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_Night_Predetor_-, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. How does a misc item works?
    Will a player having 250k/250k stats with no items be same as a player with 0/0 stats with a 250k/250k misc item?

    Will a 2mcs item actually give you 2mcs in battle?
  2. to make it short, misc bonus helps you a lot in wars/sfw.

    but for some, people just care for misc and items just for cuteness in showcase.
  3. That answers nothing ?

  4. Then answer it yourself.
  5. The alt for lite boxes is butthurt

  7. You only need 5mins to be done with it noob!
  8. was about to teach you how it goes but nvm you're too mouthy. now go back to sleep, I'll get your dirty teddy from the laundry.
  9. I remember last time that you cared about me but now you don't 
  10. Looks like nobody cares about ya
  11. His alt does, after those 5 minutes it spends to get lite boxes
  12. And he probably pms his alt :(
    Sad life
  13. he could also rs his alt, msg his alt, rp with his alt, gift with his alt

  14. RS ing alts and gifting with alts is something that a lot of players do tho

  15. I didn't said it's bad.
  16. Y'all should come together and write a thesis on PIMD...take kitten and her puppet (James) in your team
  17. Damn. You really enjoy mentioning me. I might even say that you may be obsessed
  18. I didn't knew you liked each other.

    James, we're over 
  19. :( I don’t feel the same way about him, don’t worry