how do

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by hdhdhe, Apr 9, 2013.

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  1. I become up (underpriced )
  2. Have ur fucking pupil drop u, or upgrade a crap load.
  3.  Get dropped or upgrade a helluva lot.
  4. Or upgrade, but you seem to have a problem understanding that concept......

    So, reset it is ;)
  5. Charlie and I clearly have a telepathic connection going
  6. Thats not something to be proud of :lol:
  7.  It's be worse if I had a telepathic connection with you flin :|

    :ugeek: derp
  8. Wow this still isn't locked?


    In before the lock!
  9. Yeah, i'd hate to have any kind of connection with your underdeveloped thoughts :lol:

    Watch those typing errors ;)
  10. "In before lock" should be considered Post Count Spamming in my opinion. It doesn't help the thread and similar phrases such as "First" have already been enforced in KaW.
  11. Underdeveloped thoughts? Dude you don't even know me :lol: and autocorrect is an ass sometimes hence why it put an 's' instead of 'd' lmao.

    Define "underdeveloped" 
  12. in before lock!!!
  13. In before lock 
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