How do you use your Pink Coins ?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by GoddessHailey, Jun 14, 2023.


How do you use your pink coins?

  1. Stacking them for avatars (monthly / permanent)

    25 vote(s)
  2. Stacking them endlessly (I forgot they exist)

    6 vote(s)
  3. Using for them future stat items

    13 vote(s)
  4. What is even pink coins…

    4 vote(s)
  5. Pink coins are no use to me more a waste than anything

    2 vote(s)
  6. Other

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. You earn a (1) Pink coin per day, after you complete the activity: Daily XC. (Left side of your homepage page; the icon under the phone.

    XC = extracurricular


    I was curious on how do you use them ?

    Do you stack the pink coins because you got already all the avatars ?
    Or do you stack the coins because you are new the game (not enough time to have like 55-75 coins ) ?
    Or maybe, you aren’t interested in the avatars at all and more the stat items (which comes randomly and grandly new feature) ?

    For permanent avatars:


    See example of a stat item (First time - December 2022) :


    See example (Second time - June 2023)


    Either way 😊, I want to open the discussion about the pink coin. Feel free to comment what you think; your suggestions on the avatars, items or any feedback/ questions on the subject.

    I’m curious as I have gotten 2-3 responses that told me different usage for the pink coins. Maybe, we can brainstorm. ☺️🩵

    Thank you in advance for taking the time to read it and commenting. 😄
    GoddessSarah and MayaTheHopeful like this.
  2. I used them to max out on foxes when i seen it was a thing that existed
    Astra- and GoddessHailey like this.
  3. I grabbed the foxy stat when I saw it but tbh I’m just stacking until more avis come out or I want to buy a monthly avi (haven’t found one I wanted to buy though).
    GoddessSarah and GoddessHailey like this.
  4. Wow, this is the first time I’m seeing a multi-vote poll! Is this a newly added aspect/feature of forum polls?

    When the perm avis came out, I definitely wanted the 55 coin female avi, so I grabbed it as soon as I could…which was a day after the original deadline. I was so relieved I could still get it lol. I’m pretty sure I’ve picked up a couple of stats items using daily xc coins as well, for sure the Lovely Guardian Ring! I’m waiting for avis to come, but don’t mind using the daily xc coins for exclusive stats in the meanwhile.
  5. Always been there. It’s only an option, I choose to enable . Most of the time, the person disable this option.
  6. i save them for nice monthly avis, when i get enough maybe i’ll buy the fem perm ones who knows!
    GoddessSarah and GoddessHailey like this.
  7. Here is the thread @Witchee . Happy to hear your thoughts 😊
    Witchee likes this.
  8. Ty for tagging!

    I already casted my vote for I stack them endlessly, but its less that I forget they exist and more that I'll know what I want to spend them on when I see it ♡
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  9. I think it's time that new avatars are phased into the rotation, and I wish ATA took advantage of the hunt themed misc more often! Alternatively, it would be cool if there was a monthly stat item in the rotation with the 2 monthly avatars
    Witchee likes this.
  10. Honestly I was shocked they didn’t change them for popular monthly Avis from the past because of the whole ATA day thing. They could’ve definitely taken advantage of it
  11. that means less $$ for them tho, i wasn't surprised they made them available thru ECs
  12. Oh that’s true actually. Cause I don’t think there’s a way to ever buy those specific coins
    KraftDinner likes this.