how do I reset

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *__--__--__ (01), Oct 8, 2011.

  1. How do I reset please tell me
  2. You press it until it says you have failed!!
  3. How to reset:

    1.Send an email to

    2.Give a reason for reset!

    3.proof of account,for example: UDID, how long you have been playing, recent purchases.

    4. Just A reminder they won't let you reset for a name change.

  4. If you want to reset you must email the support team at

    In the email you include:
    Your Profile name
    What app it is that you want to reset on
    Why you want to reset
    When you started
    When was your last purchase if any
    Your geographic position
  5. Wow I just left that out. I fail!!! Never happens!!
  6. The last 3 things are the proof which you give to prove the account is yours.
  7. What is geographic position