How Come.....

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *__--__--__ (01), Nov 13, 2011.

  1. How come when you're permanently silenced you can send gifts but you can't send private messages?
  2. Because private messaging is talking and sending gifts are really talking but I do not really know why you can send gifts but not pm during a silence I guess its just it I will find out.
  3. This is really unfair.

    People that are perma silenced can update PiMD and..

    "Yay! I can't talk by the gift function now! I love this update!"

    Now very great to us. But that's another story 

    I think the Devs should not let people that are silenced post messages in the gift, just send a gift without a note in them. That'll do great. 

  4. Aw 
    BBCode fail.
