Home Screen Background

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kronos_xFinite, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. I have this idea which might have already been talked about or been brought up by others and I didn't see it. But the idea is for the home screen background. We all log into the game and are presented with a screen which is the home screen. And the background has always been the front of a campus building. And I was thinking to myself that it would be cool if we were able to change it. We could be given the initial choice of a daytime or nighttime campus background. And ata can put some different background campus themes for sale on the store for cash or ec. Or they can also add it to the list of drops from hunts. A background for that months theme.
    This is just and Idea that came to mind and I thought i would post it to see the opinion of the PIMD Community.
  2. Sorry for any typos :)
  3. Neat idea
  5. Cause looking at that load screen for 3 seconds will really be amazing
  6. Yeah, no support
  7. Where in his post does it say loading screen?
  8. A little vision change would be good, it's just like a change of avi what's wrong with being able to change background?
  9. O he said home screen
    Well, where would they be stored?
    And again you wouldn't be sitting there staring at your home screen
  10. they can add a slot for it where you go to replenish health/change your avatar.

    and it's not that you're going to be staring at it but its just a thing to personalize this app more. Its like the app line. they have different themes on there.
  11. Day/night campus.. Following the time on your clock.

    That sounds neat!

    Maybe at random times of the night a shootin star or something... (idk, my brain is in fantasy times)
  12. What you wanna wish for m8 ?
  13. For you to supply my inventory ?
  14. Lemme borrow an awp for a week and I'll give you all my stuff ?
  15. That's a neat idea also. Then again I would preffer a dark background just cause.lol
  16. I like the idea but that would take a lot of coding and maybe lag if you use it out in a public place.
  17. I like this idea but at the same time there's no point lol. If it doesn't help me gain/grow in any type of way then no support ?
  18. Sure m8

    If you had any stuff lawl ?
  19. I gave it away k
    I made a $1,300 inventory in one night ? cause lotto and stuff