Historical Characters Then and Now

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seriously, Feb 4, 2022.

  1. If your favorite historical character lived during our current time period (or the 2000s), how do you think their life or situation would have changed?

    I think if Rosa Parks HAD (keep in mind nobody would tell her to get up during our time period) to leave her seat, there would be multiple videos of the situation and it would spread nationwide. I think it would be a very similar scenario with the BLM marches.
    Muschi likes this.
  2. I would hope that the teenage girl that did it before Rosa Parks would have been successful in the same scenario due to social media records. Her name is Claudette Colvin and she is currently 82 years old. She was 15 years old when she refused to move from her bus seat in 1955.
    explodo and Seriously like this.
  3. Shakespeare would be going on IG live hitting a bong talking about love and sadness methinks
    Musei likes this.
  4. Dinos would have alot to eat but people would try control them to and abuse them n shit like they do with everything else. The dumb fucks better not go thru with tryna bring them back
    explodo likes this.
  5. Plato would be all over twitter