Yep take his tuts so Drake can farm him. Dark no one likes you when you farm especially friends of mine.
Drakes stats are way too low anyways. I've been farming him for a month straight. I use all of time here farming him
Oh really? Then let me call people to return the favor. I've got two desperate people finding an active farm, and you'll be the perfect candidate. :|
You either. But I'm scarier than you, trust me. You're just a coward farming others. Come at me bro. You scared? I thought so.
Lookie a bypass, report. You lookie again, you are failing to farm me Good luck with my club farming you
Lol. ATM? Wow. You must be scared... It's not the money I'm after. It's your stats. Farm till reset, like that bitch?
This is your FIRST warning! If you farm again, you will be the club farm Btw you "wasted" your tine ti farm me
No wonder. You're scared people will steal. :0 Oh, and all those pranks being backfired, good job. You'll be the new Steven Hawkings without a brain when I'm done with you.
You two are the biggest idiots I have ever seen! especially Chloe... Fu**in stupid. ever dumber than drake