Hire 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Ava-Jasmine- (01), Nov 10, 2011.

  1. Please hire me  i promise I'm cheap 
  2. Bub Bub alt

    What could be worse after the stupid update? bubass back
  3. >_>

    I think I'm gunnar commit suicide now.

    Joining y club?

    You mad bro?

    I'm still admin. I'm still here. I ain't dead.
  4. ZOEY?!!!??


    I think Imma drown in my pity pool now. =_=
  5. WTF THIS IS BUB?! I thought it was someone else damn.... *drops tut*
  6. Zoey saved me. :0

    Anyways Imma delete PIMD now. =_=

  7. Kanji. Guess I'll dunk my head in the toilet bowl. =_=
  8. Its not a alt...she reset
  9. Whatever this is the worst update Eva!
  10. Kinda obvious...