Highschool Stereotypes

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Wife, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. They are very shallow, judgmental, and usually not true.

    So what highschool stereotype would you be considered?

  2.  the.... Normal person that sits in the back of the class.

    Who hates dumb people
    And annoying people.

    And gets tolerable grades

    And has been known by her friends to be morbid.

    And was the homecoming queen.

    Yeah. 
  3. I don't fit in any category I was the tresndesettrr but I didn't have a clique but I was still popular but I got good grades and I played football but I was in the band and played piano
    Didn't fit at all
  4. I have never given this any thought   i have no idea what group i would be in. I'd probs be with the awesome chicks and cool cats  jk, i really have no idea 