High School Hero

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by OboeYouDidnt, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. I'm warning you guys now you will be getting a lot of people from the app High School Hero since Zhourosoft made the bad descision to shut it down
  2. Good!! More players is a good thing.
  3. If caring was a bucket of vanilla ice-cream, the bucket would be empty of all that ice-cream. ID END UP EATIN ALL THAT YUMMY ICE-CREAM, SO THERE'D BE NO ICE-CREAM TO GIVE!!! You can KEEP the empty BUCKET!!!! You NOOB!!

    more MONEY for me to making I already have 300M all good here
  4. Make* damn, got too excited there
  5. Poor spit getting excited 

    Hopefully everyone who mentions that third party app gets silenced, discouraged and leaves pimd forever
  6. I believe that this is against the ToU.
  7. My most recent tut, told me he came from that game. & said the exact same thing. lol
  8. I dont think it's against ToU since it's not an app anymore... Right? I'm guessing by shut-down they mean deleted.
  9. I hate that game so much. They will be farmed if I find out who they are.
  10. 

    I tried that game and it was crap 
  11. I started playing one day and I kept making threads about how pimd was better. They perm silenced me and changed my name to -PimdTroll-
  12. I couldn't even find forums 
  13. What's the game even about? I've never heard of it before.
  14. It's like pimd I guess but in high school. I haven't played in while but there were like group quests and stuff where you could invite your friends. Kind of like parties. Your stats improve based on what clothes you wear
  15. I got the game yesterday to check it out, some people are amusing...

  16. Well I'm gonna have some active farms soon  Once they start flocking over here, fresh meat. 
  17. why is this bad… what's the community like overthere?