Hey! Whats up?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hermes-IN-DaClouds, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. So... What's up?
  2. The ceiling, some cement?, roof, sky, ozone layer, space.
    That is all.
  3. The great space butterfly
  4. Hi Hermes!?
    You were always the quiet type when I met you.
  5. I thought you quit...
  6. Why don't you quit? jk, LOVE ME
  7. Bird,bird, birdbirdbird, bird(berd) bird, bird, birdbirdbird birdmachine check
  8. HERPES! Dude, haven't seen ya in a while! 
  9. a chickens butt when it eats...
  10. LOL Spit, i remember calling Hermes Herpes lol
  11. For all you noobs doing a bad job at trolling, you're obviously too young to know him lol.
  12. Hey. 
  13.  I remember Hermes.

    I thought he was inactive too. 