
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Xxoscar_4388xX, Jun 12, 2019.

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  1. Can u let me text we where messing around cause it was a dare sorry we did know it would disabled our texting ability
  2. What?

    Ohhhh you’re silenced ?
  3. You’re too young to be playing this game based on your IGN
  4. Omg this is the dude who said they were 15 ROFL
  5. Wait 24 hours and your lesson should have been learned :)
    Nemo likes this.
  6. U need to calm down lil eboi
  7. What’s with all the dares popping up now?
  8. 9969 posts
  9. Send a ticket via help section.
    Read the Tou.
    Posting in forums does not help.

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