
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 4NIC8, Apr 26, 2018.

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  1. Pansexual means you're sexually attracted to pans. You guys need to stop with these sick fetishes.
  2. And you're sexually attracted to fish? Quit judging other people and help yourself first, k

  3. You're absolutely right. I'm sorry. The first solution to solving a problem is admitting dat you have a problem.

    Yo booty got me lost like Nemo.
  4. There's nothing wrong loving pans. ? how else can you make pancakes or eggs. And other delicious stuff.
  5. Some pupil you are. Where's da support
  6. I supported your appreciation thread already. :( is that not enough?
  7. True enough
  8. I'm attracted to Oreos
  9. Faggot
  11. See, now I gotta get you kicked from another cc club. No refund again, huh
  12. jaco like title says , you need help you are sick in the head
  13. Jaco getting butthurt again
  14. again? bruh he is always butthurt
  15. exactly.
  16. Your partnership with Alicia hasn't slowed me down once.
  17. How do you have a sexual relationship with a pan?
  18. Disregarded
  19. Disregarded
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