Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by XxxSugarBabyxxX, Jun 4, 2019.

  1. How do I get in contact with support when all my messages are failing to send and support hasn't responded to the first one???‍♀️?Help please.
  2. I believe you can only send one help ticket at a time. So if you have one open already then you can't send a second?

    Also it's monday so they are probably just coming back from the weekend
  3. They take a bit to respond, but they will get to you!
  4. I was trying to send a message in the first ticket (which I never had a prob with before) and they are all saying failed. Which is what made me try to send a new ticket cause I'm wondering if something's wrong with my help ticket button then that means they never got it ??‍♀️
  5. But I'm just gne chill n if I never hear back then that's just one more issue that wnt get solved lol thanks tho. Preciate the advice every1.
  6. Maybe it's something we can help answer if you wanna share it here. Or pms if you don't wanna share with everyone
  7. I’ve had a ticket open for a few days now that I ain’t even need open so I assume they just haven’t been watching tickets for a bit lately, just give it a day or two and see if they respond but as mentioned you can always try here and see if anyone may know how to help
  8. The issue is an account issue that they will have to manually fix.