Help! My friend keeps getting hits.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BuckyBarnes, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. Hi guys. What should I do when my friend keeps getting hits? And that person said that someone paid him to dance off my friend. And in order for him to stop hitting my friend, she has to give him stats items or bentos. He also hits her rs too when her energy is low. Any suggestions on what to do? I feel bad for her. She didn't even do anything wrong to him.
  2. Hit back
  3. Hide yo kids
    Hide yo wives
    Hide yo CASH

    Get some friends to help out ?
    Farm War Baby ️
    Jaey likes this.
    Jaey likes this.
  5. Tell your friend to grow some balls/ovaries
  6. Support
  7. Suck up, stop whining and receive those yummy nfs or hit back.
  8. Hit back or just ignore them. They'll soon stop hitting if they see it's ineffective
  9. PvP is a big part of the game and your friend should embrace it by using this experience to learn how to hit back, how to hide her money properly and how to not let it bother her. :)
    If she has any alts, she could send her alt cash gifts to store her cash, then her alt can reject those gifts when she is ready to upgrade or whatever.
    Idk how much bigger the person hitting her is but even failing hits can be effective, depending.
    If PvP really isn't something she could enjoy, most people do get bored if ignored for a good period of time.
    Good luck.
  10. Pay the cease fire or take the hits.
  11. Hit them back
  12. Don't ever ever ever ever ever do this.
  13. ^
  14. Unless the cease fire is to me. ?
  15. Under the Cease Fire Act of 2019 any player is free to choose to cease fire or take them hits.
  16. No, Papi. No
  17. Ig I can cf to a qt ??‍♂️
  18. The Cease Fire Act of 2019 makes an exception to qt's. You have to cease fire to them by default.. no winning that one.