HELP! 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Hunter467442 (01), Nov 6, 2011.

  1. Ok so um here it goes:
    I've been cutting lately and I really need to stop. I've never told anyone in real life and some friends on here say it would really help but I can't bring myself up to telling anyone I get scared of what they might do or what will happen.

    I need help on how to stop cutting and overcome the fear of telling someone. Has anyone gone through what I'm going through? I really would like some advise if you could offer it.

    Please help
  2. Put a rubber band on your wristb
  3. I use the rubber band and it really works 
  4. I don't know how to help you there 
  5. Rubberband.
  6. I broke my knife...
  7. I used the rubberband method to quit, and it really helped.
  8. Rubberband method only works for certain people though.....
  9. Raven, hush yourself.
  10. No Hush yourself young lady
  11. Find some thing that will destroy your life and you can't stop it 
  12. Rubber band doesn't work for all. Try drawing red lines on ur arm instead of cutting, or take a cold shower, or put a ice cube on ur arm.
  13. Drawing red lines?
  14. That helps, red lines or X's, or really write anything that will stop you when you try to cut yourself
  15. Rubber band didn't help me  neither did the lines or any thing else even breaking the knife didn't stop me immediately
  16. Find a hobby?
  17. I suggest using the rubberbabd and drawing on ur arm. If that doesnt work, destroy anything u use to cut urself then find a better alternative to cutting.
  18. Like petting a cat
  19. petting a cat? Umm odd method