
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by The_Cash_Lover, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. I'm thinking about reseting to redo my stats. Any good names you have?
  2. Your stats are fine. Focus on buying more dorms and correcting what you want. End of story
  3.  oookkkaaayyy 
  4. Erm...you shouldn't reset. 
  5. Yeah don't reset.
    Not only is it a waste of time and cash, but your pupil loses money they've invested in you.
    That's unfair to them.
    Your stats are fine.
    Higher than many players.
    And it's not like you aren't gonna upgrade anymore.
    Just keep your money flowing.
  6. Do it. Reset and leave the game. One less head in the game if ya do. Lulz.