Petition to have a “You” story pass where you kill people off if you pvp as an option. First tier can be American avis. Second tier can be super sneaky ball cap avis. Third tier can be “we’re in love” but secretly holding a knife avis. And fourth tier can be super shmnacy I’m British and rich avis lmk.
With free IGN changes- new identities, or something. That's never been done before. I know who you are, Joe
I love that! But I would NEVER change my ign. So maybe like do it like the ogre Avis where it’s only temporary? And you get like a secret identity
By “kill people off”, do you mean the type of elimination like in games Mafia and Werewolf? I def like the “in love but holding knives” avi idea. I’m usually down for pvp in hunts and xc to mix things up, so you got my support as well!