To get started you should check out some of the threads in the strategy section of forums This guide explains how to get started, upgrade, and make money I'd check it out first. Also consider joining a club, in a club you can make friends, participate in parties, and war. Since you are just starting, I would recommend that you party as this is the fastest way to make money until you can get max plunder (explained in the thread linked above.) If you ever need any help or have questions feel free to wall me for help. Also, consider taking a look at the Rules of Conduct (RoC) and the Terms of Use (ToU) to avoid being silenced and potentially banned for breaking the rules.
?I detect some BS.. Maybe Meggy is going for the honor roll student job thing and you're trying to help her by pretending you don't know what you're doing? #MagsForHonorRoll2014
We are in the same room. Lol, sorry am I not allowed to have my friends download a game that she may like?
So she made a thread asking for help when you guys are in the same room and you could have helped her?