Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by smileyface4eva, Sep 30, 2011.

  1. WTF is happening?!!!?!??!??
  2. Why is she trying to stab you??
  3.  must be a good croissant.
  4. First response when someone is trying to stab you

    Make a thread and use punctuation 
  5. Killing because of a croissant what was in it lol .
  6. Ninja kick her in the face and fly away!!!
  7. She's over reacting 0.0 Is that a iPhone or a iPod touch?
  8. 0.0 Well...you're screwed
    Nice knowin' ya'
  9. Well you can add this as a status on fb
  10. Grab the shower thingy and smak her in the face with it :3
  11. Make poop and tell her theres ur croissant (sorry that's my only idea) lol
  12. Where are your parents?!
  13. Wow you're dying and the first thing you grab is a iTouch? Lol
  14.  shift into survival mode. Find your secret bathroom stash of night vision goggles, holy water, and a pretzel. You'll live. You may not be fine but you'll live.
  15. Get out through the window?