Discussion in 'Wars' started by -PHS-Female_Body_Inspector-, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. This idea just came to mind. Who agrees to having such a war like this to see what fictional place really deserves to win??? Please reply with your feedback about this and lets make this happen. Who will dominate God or Devil
  2. Pimd is full of ?
  3. For once i agrree eith someone
    Pimd is 
  4. Count me in muahaha
  5. so many damned souls on this game :twisted:
  6. I seriously wouldnt joke about that ****
  7. I'm in I'm on heavens side 236kcs
  8.  I agree with Peanut. It's just disrespectful.
  9. Oh come on. Its a game. And if u believe in God u must know he has a sense of humor, look at the platypus.
    Hell 500kcs
  10. Heaven 380kcs . Nothing disrespectful about this
  11. This is disrespectful. How does the platypus prove God has a sense of humor?
  12. It's not disrespectful at all . If you think it is , don't join . That simple .
  13. I'm in on hells side 712kcs.

    And, it's a game. It's just an idea guys stop being so dramatical about it.
  14. I must say your a bunch of big bruisers and one is even YAFI. I wish I could war with you but I'm a pip squeak. If you do have a spot I'll join which ever side the YAFI is on.
  15. No. ?This was is dumb.
  16. I is the best at all of the is grammar was.
  17. If you think this is disrespectful don't post, simple as that, noone wants to here anyone cry about how this is disrespectful or betraying god or anything, so getter your head outta the good ole John and wake the crazy turbulence up....
  18. Hell 99kcs 