Having both Female and Male Avatar Activator, which will Activate first?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by -GoA-iAphroditeLovesHephaestus, Feb 27, 2020.

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  1. So, here's the thing, I bought the Female Zodiac Avatar Activator at the shop and then I also accidentally bought the Male Zodiac Avatar Activator 😅 And now I'm wondering and very curious, which one will activate first if I got 800 same zodiac shards? I read the description, it only said there about having multiple 800 zodiac shards. And I really like it to be a Female Avatar. Please help!!! 💔💔
  2. It's been solved already! 💓
    Sorry I get panicked immediately and didn't think straight, I just thought I'm doomed 😅 And when I calmed down, I saw the sell button 😂 Silly me, I'm so embarrassed 🙈😂
    Carrie and Sanguine like this.
  3. You're cute lol
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